Cisco ASA5540-BUN-K9 Adaptive Security Appliance 2GB/256MB VPN Premium License
$ 211.2
- Description
- Size Guide
ebay templateUp for sale is a used Cisco ASA 5540 Firewall.
Fully Tested and Refurbished - 60 Day Warranty
2 GB Ram and 256 MB Flash
9.1(7) IOS and 7.7(1) ASDM Installed
Console Output:
ciscoasa# show version
Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.1(7)13
Compiled on Wed 04-Jan-17 16:28 by builders System image file is "disk0:/asa917-13-k8.bin" Config file at boot was "startup-config"
ciscoasa up 20 secs
Hardware: ASA5540, 2048 MB RAM, CPU Pentium 4 2000 MHz, Internal ATA Compact Flash, 256MB Slot 1: ATA Compact Flash, 256MB BIOS Flash M50FW016 @ 0xfff00000, 2048KB
Encryption hardware device : Cisco ASA-55xx on-board accelerator (revision 0x0) Boot microcode : CN1000-MC-BOOT-2.00 SSL/IKE microcode : CNlite-MC-SSLm-PLUS-2.08 IPSec microcode : CNlite-MC-IPSECm-MAIN-2.09 Number of accelerators: 1
0: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/0 : address is 6400.f127.d316, irq 9 1: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/1 : address is 6400.f127.d317, irq 9 2: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/2 : address is 6400.f127.d318, irq 9 3: Ext: GigabitEthernet0/3 : address is 6400.f127.d319, irq 9 4: Ext: Management0/0 : address is 6400.f127.d315, irq 11 5: Int: Not used : irq 11 6: Int: Not used : irq 5
Licensed features for this platform: Maximum Physical Interfaces : Unlimited perpetual Maximum VLANs : 200 perpetual Inside Hosts : Unlimited perpetual Failover : Active/Active perpetual Encryption-DES : Enabled perpetual Encryption-3DES-AES : Enabled perpetual Security Contexts : 5 perpetual GTP/GPRS : Disabled perpetual AnyConnect Premium Peers : 2 perpetual AnyConnect Essentials : Disabled perpetual Other VPN Peers : 5000 perpetual Total VPN Peers : 5000 perpetual Shared License : Disabled perpetual AnyConnect for Mobile : Disabled perpetual AnyConnect for Cisco VPN Phone : Disabled perpetual Advanced Endpoint Assessment : Disabled perpetual UC Phone Proxy Sessions : 2 perpetual Total UC Proxy Sessions : 2 perpetual Botnet Traffic Filter : Disabled perpetual Intercompany Media Engine : Disabled perpetual Cluster : Disabled perpetual
This platform has an ASA 5540 VPN Premium license.
Serial Number: JMXXXXXX Running Permanent Activation Key: 0xxxxxxxxxx Configuration register is 0x1 Configuration has not been modified since last system restart.
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Protect Your Product With a Consumer Priority Service Warranty
Protect Your Product With a Consumer Priority Service Warranty